Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 2, Part 1

I woke up more or less on time today — on time being 6:30 for an 8:00 class. I set up my coffee maker to brew around that time so i’d have a cup to wake up to, but for reasons unbeknownst to me, it didn’t start and I had to start it myself. C’est la vie, I still had my coffee (for those interested, Coffeemate’s™ Blueberry Cobbler [limited edition] non-dairy creamer powder is amazing).
I grabbed my breakfast, consisting of a cup of tangerines, a granola bar and a bottle of Lipton’s™ diet white tea with raspberry, and headed to the student union to meet up with Elyssa C. so we could head off to philosophy together. Along the way, we ran into Dr. N., our professor. We said hello, to which he replied “Hi. Are you in my class?”

Needless to say, I sat front row center today.

Class was interesting, again. We discussed Care of the Soul, the philosophy of being a good person. Or something close to that.
Being right in the line of fire, Dr. N. questioned me, lengthily, about whether, given the choice, I would date a beautiful girl or an intelligent one. I answered honestly, saying I could never get a[nother] pretty girl, but after discussing it with him, I realized that I could not put into words what makes an intelligent girl appealing.

“So you say it makes her interesting?”
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“Interesting how? If you tell your mother that your new girlfriend is interesting, she’d say ‘Oh, that’s nice.’ But what can she say besides that? What does interesting mean?”


We also discussed the 3 traits an ideal mate should have.
The first is intellect. They should be intelligent. But, intelligence can also be used for evil. Ergo, the second trait is a moral will. Right from wrong, good from evil. A developed sense of judgement. But then, what’s to say they won’t be boring? So, the third trait is a creative mind — spontaneity.
Honestly, though, there is so much more than that. Rikki fit all three of those things, and while it was wonderful for a long time, in the end we weren’t right for each other. Now I just need to figure out what the rest of the pieces are, what makes someone right for me.

Now i’m sitting here in the cafe with my new buddy Kristyn L. (Shannon’s friend), typing, and... I suppose i’m happy. I like it here.
Last night, Joey A. and I went to the reflecting pool (the large fountain in the middle of the campus), and just sat on the steps talking for half an hour. Almost nobody came by and bothered us, and we just talked. I got a chance to think about things, and I feel good.

In an hour, I go to my sociology class. If I get inspired, I may write about the second half of my day later.
Don’t worry, once I get back into the swing of things, my posts won’t be so boring.

But right now, this is for me.

The root of “happen” is “hap,” the Middle English word for “chance” or “luck.” That is also the root of the modern English word “happiness.” This is an indication of how little we know ourselves, how materialistic and externalistic and shallow we habitually are. We think happiness “happens.”
--Peter Kreeft, Philosophy 101 by Socrates

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