Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Seriously, UF, this is the last straw.
You sent me letter after letter telling me to make sure that I apply to your prestigious institution, all the while being in possession of my application, and deferring me time and again. Finally, you just tell me that I didn't get accepted, and what do you do? Send me a letter telling me to make sure that I apply.

And now, now, a representative of your natural sciences department, by way of your honors school, sends me an email welcoming me to the program, and congratulating me on my good decision.

...What. I didn't even apply as a science major.

I was english literature.


Loorah said...

Hahahaha, screw 'em. They're being worse than Flagler was to Rebecca G. Hit up Disney for me.

Anonymous said...

I think UF has too good of a reputation to have such a shitty admissions department. Since I would have my AA by the time I graduated, I called last year to see if I should apply as a transfer or freshman student and they told me that I would apply as a freshman. I was then reffered to the admissions director at the college of visual arts who said if I got into UF all I would have to do is finish some pre reqs and then apply within the school to be upper division in the spring semester. Cool, awesome that's what FSU and UCF said...I've got this in the bag. NOT. I get a call from the art department the day they send out their acceptance letters saying " Youve been accepted into UF but we are waiting on your portfolio and we need to make sure you will have all your pre reqs done before you attend the school." So I'm like, woah homegirl I was told I was going to be admitted as a freshman and would not have to worry about that until the spring semester, to which her response was "No the registrar says youre an incomming junior, we're going to need your portfolio within two weeks inorder for you to attend the school" I hung up and balled. I probably could have had my principal talk to them and have a few phonecalls made, but I felt like I did NOT want to be apart of a university that couldn't get their shit together.